Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Journal 3/29/2006

I'm starting to see all the elements of the project come together now. The script was very helpful in creating the descriptions of shots for the shot list, and the times for the timeline as well. After creating the shot list, I had to switch back and forth between the script and the shotlist to identify different shots, and match them up with the times I presented in the second version of my script.

Unfortunately, Illustrator was a slight hindrance because it was only the third time I had ever used the program. After a first couple of hits and misses, I finally got the hang of it and the rest was pretty straightforward, copying the vectors, moving them to the correct spot, and editing them as necessary.

The real question was how to transform a template for a 10-second timeline into a 30-second one. I opted to create three different AI files and then assemble them in Acrobat (as I think most people did). I used script formats like (next) and (cont'd) to transition from one page to another, since I'm not sure what is the correct way to do it (or if there is a correct way).

The timing, however, I think works out quite well, and I'm sure the timeline will be a huge help in creating my animatic for next week. All the pieces are falling into place. I still want to redo my styleframe and maybe change around a couple storyboards before I dive into filming and drawing the abstract images. It was certainly a big help to tighten up my script, so I'm sure it will help to redo the styleframe and see what works before I start the rough cut.


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